Blogging for my English speaking friends

The reasons for why I blog are basical ly two: First to keep my Icelandic language in practice (yes, I always write in Icelandic – except for now), and second, to allow my friends and family at home to have some clue about what I’m up to day to day. Since I’m in Iceland now I thought I might turn this around and write a bit in English for my English speaking friends. So during the Christmas holiday you can expect to get some updates through this medium.

So welcome to Iceland, even if just in thought.

I came home on Monday morning after a 24-hour travel or so, including a 14-hour stop in New York. I went straight to my brother’s place where my 16-year-old nephew, Einar, was home (everyone else at school or work). I went straight to bed and slept till eleven thirty. I could have slept longer as I hadn’t really slept for 36 hours, but I need to adjust to Icelandic time as soon as possible. After some lunch I went to the mall. I always love shopping in Iceland. I get to check out all the Icelandic books, Icelandic music and Icelandic art. It’s also fun to look at the clothes and shoes, as Iceland tends to be very trendy and usually quite a bit ahead of Canada when it comes to fashion.

Another thing that makes a trip to the mall enjoyable is that I always meet people I know – even now when I don’t even live in the country. I wasn’t disappointed this time either. I met one of my old friends, Elva, who I used to spend a lot of time with when I was 12 to 16 years old. She had a baby when she was seventeen and was now in Reykjavik to pick up her daughter from the airport but she’s studying in Denmark. I find it unbelievable that someone my age can have a 22-year-old child. I mean, I haven’t even started. I also met someone I know from University who now works for the Icelandic parliament, which I used to do. So she’s now working with former colleges of mine.

On Monday night I went to visit my friend Sigga. She’s my oldest friend. We met in school when we were only eight years old and have stayed friends ever since then. Her daughter is now ten and she loved hearing us tell stories from the time we were kids.

Tuesday was also good. I had breakfast with my cousin, Guðrún Helga, who’s also one of my best friends. We had three hours together before she had to go to work and that was way too little – we were just warming up. After Guðrún went to work I had lunch with Sigga so at least the two of us managed to get some time together. Which is good because in a few days she’s leaving for Germany (her husband is German) and won’t be back until just before I leave Iceland). After Sigga had to go pick up her daughter I walked downtown. It’s one of those things you have to do when in Reykjavík. It’s just a part of the program and I always take a stroll down the hill.

That’s also where you run into everyone. Just after I entered Laugarvegur, the main shopping street, I ran into Björk. Yes, the famous Icelandic singer. And no, I did not say hi. Behind her were two formerly homeless people who were in the news a couple of weeks ago because they were amongst the first to be given a home in a small house which is a part of the program to end homelessness in Iceland. Slightly lower on the street I ran into a journalist who had been in the news the night before because of a certain media scandal in Iceland. And after that I saw one famous actor (Icelandic one that is), a politician and a known TV show host. I know Iceland is small but this was just getting rediculous.

I forgot to ask Einar to wake me up on Wednesday morning so what happened??? I woke up at my regular time: 6.15 VANCOUVER TIME. The problem is, that is 2.15pm in Iceland. A little later than I intended. So I didn’t do very much that day because I had to be at the airport at 5.15 for flight to Akureyri. I ended up spending the three hours in between, eating breakfast, talking to my nephew and reading the newspaper. Fairly relaxing.

It was wonderful to come home to mom and dad’s and to the house where I grew up. And mom had cooked me one of my favorite dishes, salted lamb and split pea soup. There were three things I had specially asked for. The other two were slátur, an Icelandic dish that is most like haggis and salted lamb stew which is something I only know from mom. I’m not sure anyone else eats that. I love getting mom’s food. I guess it reminds me of the time when everything was so easy and simple.

The sleeping problem continued last night. Now that I was rested and caught up on sleep I had fallen completely back to Vancouver time. It’s always the danger.  Don’t know why this is so hard. Last time I went home for Christmas, two years ago, it took me forever to get to the right time zone. For almost two weeks I was falling asleep when other people were waking up. I don’t want that to happen this time but yesterday it kind of did. I think it was around five that I fell asleep finally. I need to find a way to correct this, particularly because I need to go swimming in the mornings with the gang.

I did this morning, I just decided three and half hour sleep was enough.  So after breakfast we went to the pool. I haven’t been swimming often since I moved to Vancouver and I’m also still a bit sick so I took it easy. Only swam 500 metres. After that it was the hot tub. Oh yeah, the natural heat in Icelandic ground has enormous upside. One of it is the swimming pools and hot tubs that are everywhere. Absolutely fantastic. My plan is to go swimming every day and afterwards soak in the tub. Plus, it’s a great place to run into people.

Same can be said about going shopping at the mall or the grocery store. Always run into someone I know. Did today as well.

Anyway, I’m gonna go and check on my mom’s cooking. She’s making slátur and I’m already drooling just by the thought of it.

Come back later.

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1 identicon

...en biddu, eg helt ad hefdbundinn jolafris-svefn-og-voku-timi fyrir hvern medal islending felli fullkomlega saman vid Vancouver timann!

P.s. Thu rekst vonandi a pabba einhverntiman milli jola og nyjars og hann kemur sma pakka til thin...pakkinn er kominn til landsins, en er sem stendur i reykjavik!

Rut (IP-tala skráð) 18.12.2008 kl. 19:52

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